Frank Ocean Releases Two New Singles, “Cayendo (Side A – Acoustic” & “Dear April (Side A – Acoustic)”

5 years ago view-show 9,702

Thank you, Frank.

They say in times of need, you’ll get a sign. Everyone’s longing for the days of being able to roam the streets freely, rendezvous with friends at a bar, go to a party — simply, to be unencumbered. And while the quarantine timeline is really unknown, we’ve received a sign today that everything will be okay: Frank Ocean has come through with two new singles, “Cayendo (Side A – Acoustic)” and “Dear April (Side A – Acoustic)”.

Given Frank’s enigmatic status, and transcendent abilities, it should come as no surprise that he isn’t beholden to announcing new music ahead of its release. When you’re a generational talent like Frank, the market bends to your needs. The market seems happy to oblige.

Frank first offered a preview of “Cayendo” while performing at a club in New York last year, but today’s product bears a different tempo than its teased predecessor. Both “Dear April” and “Cayendo” were also both included on Frank’s 7” 2019 vinyl that was available through pre-order.

With so much time to reflect, Ocean’s new acoustic cuts will perfectly soundtrack deep moments of introspection; they’ll be there as a reassuring hand on the shoulder that we will get through this, someway, somehow.

Listen to “Cayendo (Side A – Acoustic)” and “Dear April (Side A – Acoustic)” below: