Bronx Is The Most STD-Ridden County In NY

14 years ago view-show 681,912


I have a female friend that was dating a doctor who asked her if she knew what the Bronx Flu was, when she replied no, he stated it was doctors code for AIDS. I don’t know if that was supposed to be a joke or if it was true but a new study doesn’t help the BX`s reputation at all. In an annual study that determines and ranks the nation’s counties healthiness, the Bronx was the unhealthiest county in NY state.

In the study, by the University of Wisconsin and the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, the Bronx ranked last in almost every category, including morbidity and “social and economic factors.” They study found that 26 percent of adults are in poor or fair shape, compared to 16 percent statewide and 10 percent nationwide; they found that there were 8,139 premature deaths per 100,000 people, compared to a state average of 5,933; and single parents households are 63 percent, compared to 20 percent nationally. Especially disturbing: the teen birth rate in the Bronx is twice the national average, and the STD rate is approximately 1300 percent greater than national average—they had 1,145 STDs per 100,000 people in the Bronx vs. a national average of 83.

Well I`m from Queens for the record so thankfully this doesnt apply to me but to all the Bx residents, I think its time to get tested.


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