Mobb Deep Beefing?

13 years ago view-show 886,050

Havoc took to Twitter late last night to air his beef with Prodigy. Instead of speaking of actual gripes he had with Prodigy, Havoc took the time to hurl insults at his former partner-in-crime.

In a lengthy Twitter rant, Havoc questions P’s sexuality, mocks him, and ridicules P as well. According to Devi Dev the rant and outburst is “very real”.

Read the outburst in full below.

@prodigymobbdeep we got a meeting, lets see if u built to show ur face. prodigy abitch and I’m gonna show it, follow!! ground breaking new. i got niggas in the jail system to to back up that prodigy was fucking homes in jail. prodigy prove me wrong! please. i have a big announcement…. and niggas that was locked wit him know the truth. now i will silence…. and let the jails take care of the rest. thats on everything, i had to smack P ask him. prodigy u pussy! u long island ass bitch. I’m about to expose u! i can’t wait till niggas in jail that was wit u back my shit up!! next time i see u , u getting layer out, on camera!! i can’t wait! how u say u live in jersey, but right there in queens??? I’m on top of u… pause… foot on thy neck!!! in a minute…. niggas that was in the jail wit him gonna blow him up first hand.!!!! prodigy a hider not a rider. nothing hacked P homo y’all. no hack this havoc. P IS HIDING!!! IM GONNA SHOW U P GETTING KNOCKED OUT!!!!!!!!!!!! WATCH HE TRY TO DODGE ME!! THINK ABOUT IT… HOW COULD HE SAY,,, QB MURDERERS ??? LETS DO A ONE ON ONE!!!!! ME AND P!!! HE SO BUTTTT HE WILL AVOID!!!! OH, ONE MORE THING, HE THINK HIM AND RIHANNA GETTING MARRIED!!!! LMFAOOOOOOOO. THIS50…. HOLLA AT ME XXL HOLLA AT ME P A FAKE JAY Z HOLLA BACK!!!!!


  1. I dont think this is real. I would think that if hav did have beef with P he wouldnt make it public. To me hav dont seem like that kinda dude I feel like he is above that he’s from a different era I dont see him acting like a little bitch on twitter to express his feelings. I hope this aint real, even though P is infamously known as being a pussy hav has always been loyal and with all the history and classic music they have made why would he stop being loyal now.

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