Despite residing from essentially the same place (Coney Island, Brooklyn) and sharing virtually the same exact cultural background (Ukrainian-American) I never really messed with rising rapper Your Old Droog all that much. I mean, in the interest of full disclosure and not frontin', I think dude is super talented and a great altogether MC but frankly I'm not "feeling" it, you know? I always find the beats to be dated and seriously lackluster and I can never quite relate to Your Old Droog. Like, who is Droog? But this track right here, with its super kitschy and ultra NYC-indebted song title, is right up my alley, fam. Droog delivers the goods with "Unlimited MetroCard" which is produced by the always reliable Statik Selektah. Check out "Unlimitated MetroCard" after the jump and peep Statik's new album
Lucky 7 dropping this July.