Rihanna Admits To Being Submissive In The Bedroom

14 years ago view-show 2,627,163

More #SlutWave talk from Rihanna.  I’m not even mad at this.  She’s being honest.  Plus I feel like a lot of females can relate to this.  Some times a little booty smacking during sex is what everybody needs.  It’s hard for me to make degrading comments when she is embracing it.  Well played Rihanna.  She told Rolling Stone:

  • “Being submissive in the bedroom is really fun. You get to be a little lady, to have somebody be macho and in charge of your sh*t. That’s fun to me…I like to be spanked. Being tied up is fun. I like to keep it spontaneous. Sometimes whips and chains can be overly planned – you gotta stop, get the whip from the drawer downstairs. I’d rather have him use his hands.

    “I think I’m a bit masochistic. [***the condition in which sexual gratification depends on suffering, physical pain, and humiliation]. I love feeling like I’m somebody’s girl. I think that is common in people who witnessed abuse in their childhood.”



  1. And thats why Chris brown hit her, cuz she like dat. Got the lil homie in trouble cuz she a freak. damn shame

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